Thursday, January 27, 2011

Zheng He

I was Zhen he's first mate. Zheng he's massive fleet of around 300 ships set sail in 1405. we went to around 30 different countries and discovered and learned much. Our crown jewel  of the fleet was a flagship that was 400 feet long and 180 feet wide. Though our Admiral died in 1430 we were called back to china. Once we returned home the emperor ordered our entire fleet to be burned down to ash. there were to be no more voyages. This is very important to history because we could have taken over the entire world with that fleet.

Sung Dynasty

The Sung Dynasty was formed in 960 and ended in 1279. Life is good here in the Sung Dynasty after we brought up a new type of rice from vietnam to grow here which doubled are crop growth and gave us a surplus of food. All basic needs were met. So people started to make wonderful inventions and ideas. During this time gun powder was invented, paper money, the mechanical clock, block printing, and the movable type writer. There where two major classes the Gentry who were educated land owners and the peasantry. This was a very important era because of all the magnificent inventions that were created.

Tang Dynasty

I am an Author and my name is young. I am recording the Greatness of The Tang dynasty. This Dynasty is considered the golden age of China. It was founded in 618 and it ended in 907. It was very rich in poetry and writing. The economy flourished and the citizens where happy. Unfortunately leaders started to become corrupt and there was a peasant uprising which ended the great Tang dynasty. This was a great dynasty for china and is considered one of the greatest civilizations in mankind history. 

Mongols take China

I am a general who lived through the ages of the mongolian invasion and im going to write down what happened in this time period. In 1276 AD, The Mongols who were uncivilized , Barbarians, who where more like monsters rather than humans. They  invaded and Conquered all of China. Their empire stretched from India to Russia to northern China and Korea.  The Mongols  captured the Sung capital at Hangzhou, and just  years later the Mongols controlled all of China. The leader of the mongolian army was Kublai Khan who destroyed my beautiful capital and  moved it to Beijing, China.The Mongol invasion is very important because they set the present day Chinese capital of Beijing.

Han Dynasty

I am a general in The Han Dynasty. It began in 206 B.C and ended in 220 AD. When Qin Shihuangdi died in 210 B.C, the Han Dynasty started to progress in Poetry, literature, and philosophy. During the Han Dynasty there was a high demand for silk and it was a typical product of trade. The Han Dynasty, made many advances, such as the invention of paper and innovations in science. The Han Dynasty picked up on the philosophies of Confucius. During the Han dynasty the great canal was built which led to a massive population boom.

Buddhism comes to china

In 500 BCE, my dad, Siddhartha Gautama or as most people know him now as "Buddha , founded a religion in India called Buddhism. The religion of Buddhism came to China in 206 B.C.  Buddhism was spread along the Silk Road and other trade routes and had reached China by the time of the Han Dynasty.  The Buddha would preach his teachings and was considered a wondering teacher.He told us if we followed the Buddhists way we  would reach a state of enlightenment called Nirvana, and will become freed from the worries and the physical world and all its materialistic items.  I believe that china will continue to be a main religion in china for generations to come.

Great Wall

I am Shi Huang Di's general and i am in charge of his massive project which people are giving it the name of The Great Wall. The construction of this wall was began in the year 220 B.C. It is serving as protection against our barbarian neighbors of the north. Unfortunately it is coming at a very high cost of the people working on it. People are dyeing every day and they are thrown into the wall without even a burial service.  The wall was built not just as a defense  system but as a signature of power that China holds. I believe that this wall will continue to be built even in to future dynasties like a future one named the Haan dynasty and i believe that one day the wall will stretch to over 4000 miles. This is extremely important event in history because i think it will last through the ages and become one of the greatest man made achievements  in the history of man.

Lao Zi and Taoism

I am Lao Zi's uncles' cousins brothers best friends twin brothers room mate. And i was one of Lao Zi's original followers. He was born in the 6th century he taught me about this unheard of system and about tao which is how nature follows a universal force which is Tao. This is also called yin and yang which means "the way or the path". This is very important because many followers are building up and I'm certain that one day this will be on of the biggest religions in China.


The was  551 B.C My Teacher was born. I am one of the few followers of a man named Confucius. He is a wondering teacher informing people of how to live your life as a good citizen and informing governments on how to lead there nation and be good role models for the people. My leader and teacher Confucius once had a governmental job, but when he proposed his ideas they fired him because they didn't like the idea of the subordinate telling his ruler what he is doing wrong. So now he roams around china with a small group of followers enlightening people of his ideas. He categorized his ideas into 5 key terms, Jen, Chun tzu, Li, Te, and Wen. the date today is 479 B.C and my teacher Confucius has died. Now it is up to the few followers he has to carry on his teachings into the future.

One day Confucius will be considered one of the greatest teachers and politicians to have ever lived. Confucius's teachings will be china's future one day, and will be the way of life for everyone in china.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Unification of china

The year is 221 B.C when The unification of China happened. It was one of the greatest things to happen to china and one of the worst. It was an amazing site to see the wars coming to an end, to see all of the waring states finally together as one united China. The problem is that our leader emperor Qin Shi Huangdi was a power hungry leader who is inflicting harsh laws on us the people and is forcing them to build his giant wall. He even made my son Bing Bong  who is 8 work on the wall. Like many others he died and was buried in the wall without a funeral. This will be one of the most memorable eras in the history of china. This is an important era because it was the first time china has ever been unified and shows the power of our great nation when we work together.